Monday, March 10, 2025

Scott Rollins

AlbumPreviewScott Rollins

Album preview: upcoming Rodney Crowell record Texas highlights songcraft

My favorite songwriter, however, is Rodney Crowell. His new record, TEXAS is phenomenal. A true work of art. The record is due out August 15. Crowell will be performing in support of the record launch on that same day at The Heights Theater in Houston.

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LivePreviewScott Rollins

New music: The sensational Reina del Cid and The Other Favorites on tour

I am still not sure what a “YouTuber” is, though my teenager has explained the concept twice. I am halfway lost between rotary phones and storage clouds; long playing records and streaming services. So I do not know if Reina del Cid was a “YouTuber” originally or if it just happens to be where I found her singing “The Tennessee Waltz”.

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ReviewScott Rollins

Live music review: Kris Kristofferson and The Strangers at the Golden Nugget

The show was four minutes late, house lights still on and I was waiting outside the door marked with the section I’d secured seats. To my right, on the other side of the hall, were five places to buy beer, wine, or something harder if the spirit took you. My bride and I had crossed the Louisiana border with two of our best friends, who share the same interest in music, politics and nearly everything else.

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