Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Merle Haggard

ReviewScott Rollins

Album Review: Homegrown released by Neil Young 45 years later

While I am not one to fall into regret, I do enjoy exploring the road less traveled. That turn you didn’t take, the zig when you should have zagged, the song no one else recorded, or the B-side the DJ never flipped. I love discovering “new old music” as exemplified on Neil Young’s record Homegrown which was released last week; 45 years after it was recorded.

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AlbumReviewScott Rollins

Album review: Vince Gill’s Okie is a pleasant surprise

I received a text from my good friend, musical soul mate, and partner in crime, who told me to listen to new Vince Gill record “Okie”. I was about to embark on a ten-hour car ride, so I downloaded it to the old iPhone like I’d just cracked the technology that morning and listened.  What I heard truly from the record that dropped back in late August of this year impressed me.

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ReviewScott Rollins

Live music review: Kris Kristofferson and The Strangers at the Golden Nugget

The show was four minutes late, house lights still on and I was waiting outside the door marked with the section I’d secured seats. To my right, on the other side of the hall, were five places to buy beer, wine, or something harder if the spirit took you. My bride and I had crossed the Louisiana border with two of our best friends, who share the same interest in music, politics and nearly everything else.

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