Wednesday, March 26, 2025

psychedelic rock

Case CockrellLive MusicReview

Live music review: supergroup MIEN played 13th Floor ahead of sophomore album

t The Black Angels-owned The 13th Floor in the Red River Cultural District on Friday evening, the stronghold of continuous overflow fusion of music for fans that dabble in the deep cuts in the realm of Primal Scream and The Jesus and the Mary Chain, Maas’ psychedelic supergroup MIEN graced the stage for the first time in seven years. Coming with an announced new sophomore full-length LP, a head-bobbing new single, and a tour overseas on deck to prove another busy year for Maas and a band with recruits from all over the globe.

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AlbumBrian HillsmanReview

Album review: Bali Yaaah “Make Belief” EP debuted at Electric Church last week

Bali Yaaah puts on quite the performance spectacle. For almost a decade, the band has commanded Austin stages, formulating their own soundtrack fortified with the unique blend of 80’s synth, 90’s grunge and 60’psych-rock, merging various genres of world music throughout.

“Make Belief,” the band’s new EP released by The Sound Barrier Records, is now available on all streaming platforms, including Bandcamp and was debuted at The Electric Church on November 22.

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Nick SplintStreaming

Strange Dream: An Introduction to Zamrock 1972 to 1979 – The Cosmic Clash

Zamrock music came into being during a daring moment in African history when western rock music made sense with African revolution. Zambian pysch was inspired, performed, and hand-pressed between the beginning of the African country of Zambia’s independence in the mid 60’s and its economic meltdown of the late 70’s. Birthed in this moment of political and cultural change, it wasn’t long before the newly grown fuzz guitar movement was washed away like it never existed, as if it were only a dream lost between the cracks of an adolescent Republic’s stark reality.

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