Tuesday, March 25, 2025
LiveMike CosmicReview

Sluur, Lake of Fire, Nalgadas @ Hotel Vegas (El Paso Invades) – The Cosmic Clash

El Paso Invades Austin!


Yes it is true, El Paso invaded Austin with it’s special forces and gave everyone some much needed Nalgadas!

Not to mention that Sluur left everyone shoegazed till there was nothing left but a Lake of Fire!


Ladies and gents, Sluur is one of my favorite live bands with a shoegazey feel that has a touch of that post punk groove. Their sound sinks into my soul leaving me mesmerized and feeling pretty chill.

Check out Sluur’s release, Choice, is available on Bandcamp.

Sluur      .      Facebook   .   Bandcamp


Fortunately there are bands out there that help me feel alive and untouchable. Give me PUNK ROCK any day! Nalgadas most definitely live up to their name, Leo Lara’s (Chief) crazy fucking drumming and Rat Benatar’s thundering vocals!  I love me some Nalgadas!

Nalgadas    .     Facebook    .   Bandcamp


Lake of Fire aka (Lago De Fuego) I believe was originally from El Paso but has since relocated to Austin, TX.  Last time I saw Lake of Fire was at 2016’s SXSW show at Stay Gold. (The Cosmic Clash SXSW Post, Lake of Fire). Their Facebook describes their Genre as an amalgamation. Lake of Fire is definitely an amalgamation that comes out psychedelically beautifully. Check out their Fire Friendly EP on Bandcamp.

Lake of Fire    .     Facebook   .   Bandcamp

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Owner of The Cosmic Clash. "I wanted to create a platform for individuals to share their take on music. It could be writing, booking, social media, reviews, all that good stuff."