Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Live MusicPreviewRobert Dean

Fashion Feature: Roi Hernandez of Elysium has vision for large sized men’s styles with House of 1912

Because art moves with the flow of the thoughts of outsiders looking inward, it’s no surprise that Austin-based designer Roi Hernandez’s House of 1912 is getting acclaim around Texas fashion circles. It will also not be a shocker when he gets his due credit in bigger fashion circles. Roi doesn’t come from a fashion background; he came from the music industry. Hernandez is key leadership staff at Red River club, Elysium. He decided to make clothes for more prominent men because he wanted to see them dressed better than boxy nightmares with Hawaiian print or corny t-shirts splashed with faded X-Men comic book covers or a Mountain Dew logo. Instead, he’s reclaiming what goth is, which is something that’s not whatever Hot Topic is peddling – a reflection that even though clothing may be considered “goth,” everything doesn’t have to always be black and spooky.

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Adam WoodLive MusicReview

Live music review: Free Week in Austin provides fans endless music discovery opportunities

Red River Cultural District’s Free Week is an absolute blessing, one of the many (though, according to some, rapidly diminishing) monuments to the weird and wonderful Austin of lore. Over the course of two bustling nights, this year’s edition (and the 21st since the festivities began in 2003) saw 80+ bands flaunt their talents on stages throughout Red River and beyond

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ReviewRobert Dean

Live music review: Black Flag at Mohawk and Combichrist at Elysium Saturday

I wanted to clown on this current incarnation of Black Flag. I really did. Going into the show on Saturday at Mohawk, my expectations were low. When a legendary band has gone through a cadre of lineups over the years, it’s hard to get excited when Greg Ginn is the only original member up there chugging away on the hits that are so influential to our lives.

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