Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Amanda Quraishi

Amanda QuraishiReview

Song Review: Shae Lane drops new single “Let me In”

Anyone who has fallen in love knows what it feels like at the very beginning: elation and euphoria punctuated by a sense of vulnerability at not knowing if this mutual attraction is actually something more– something real. 
The new song “Let Me In” by indie-pop singer/songwriter Shae Lane captures this bittersweet feeling perfectly. 

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Amanda QuraishiReview

Live Music Review: Japanese Breakfast taped Austin City Limits on 420 Day

The lights went down just after 8 p.m. on April 20 (420 Day), and Japanese Breakfast filed onto the Moody Theater stage in an orderly manner, appearing more like a mild-mannered group of software engineers in business casual than one of the hottest ascendant bands on the face of the earth.

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Amanda QuraishiReview

Live music review: Jackie Venson Lambert’s residency is legit

I’ve been waiting patiently to see Jackie Venson for a while. Even with her demanding tour schedule, the Austin-born guitar goddess is never away from our fair city for too long. So when she announced on Twitter that she was doing a residency at Lamberts during February, I was stoked.

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