Monday, March 31, 2025
LiveMike Cosmic

Death Live at Red 7 – The Cosmic Clash

Austin’s great expansion is about to hit the live music scene, and not in a good way. Real estate prices have doomed Red 7 and it will cease to exist starting in September (2015 The Chronicle). Although this news brings tears to my eyes, I was able to catch one last show at this legendary punk palace. DEATH! If you are not are not familiar with this band you got to check out the documentary A Band Called Death. It will inspire you and give you hope that all things are possible even if it takes 30 years. These gentlemen can rock the fuck out! I am thrilled I was part of this experience. 🙂


Death / Facebook


Check out Greg Ackerman’s review on The Examiner.


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Owner of The Cosmic Clash. "I wanted to create a platform for individuals to share their take on music. It could be writing, booking, social media, reviews, all that good stuff."