Blast Off!

Blast Off! 15 – The Cosmic Clash


Hidden Ritual Barbarians
Guantanamo Baywatch Sad Over You
Foreign Mothers Plan B (Dead Inside)
Bobby Jealousy Pass You By
American Sharks XVI
The Coathangers Trailer Park Boneyard
Just Friends Avalance
The Brandt Brauer Frick Ensemble Pretend
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez w/ Teri Gender Bender Where Are The Angels?
Mystery Skulls Money
TV Girl I wonder who’s she’s kissing now
Work Drugs License To Drive
Capital Cities Safe and Sound
Greenhouse Nighttime drive


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Owner of The Cosmic Clash. "I wanted to create a platform for individuals to share their take on music. It could be writing, booking, social media, reviews, all that good stuff."

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