Mike Cosmic

Zechs Marquise and And So I Watch You From Afar @ Red 7 – The Cosmic Clash

Zechs Marquise and  And So I Watch You From Afar-  Been a bit busy but… It was a night of jaming those long sound waves and making those melancholy melodies spring into a frenzy of pure emotional bliss.

I caught  ASIWYFA and the Zechs Marquise at Red Seven on July 9th. It’s been a long while since I have seen The Zechs Marquise, the truth is I have only seen them one time at a house party in El Paso. There definitely  has been a maturity in musician ship and a more complicated sound, although compared to The Mars Volta, the only similarity I heard  was maybe for an effect or two but Zechs holds their own by belting some tripy melodies and beats. For Zech’s   it’s just about the Jam.

Straight out of Belfast, Northern Ireland , And So I Watch You From Afar (ASIWYFA) had the audience hypnotized as if in a pool of sound waves swaying back and forth.  These guys really got down to business and played their emotions out through their instruments while keeping that audience wanting more! These guys even got off stage and had a jam session in the middle of the crowd, much fun!

These two bands were a perfect fit for a night filled with electric orchestral like compositions.

Check out the bandcamp sites for some sweet jams.

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Owner of The Cosmic Clash. "I wanted to create a platform for individuals to share their take on music. It could be writing, booking, social media, reviews, all that good stuff."

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